Sport Statistics

The Court


Sport Arbitration Proceedings

Dynamic development of the case load since the establishment of the German Court of Arbitration for Sport in 2008

The German Court of Arbitration decides as Arbitration Court for the first instance, the appellate instance and about submissions for interim relief.

Instances of sport arbitration proceedings 2022 2023
Total 5 5
of which 1st instance 4 4
of which appellate instance 1 1
of which interim relief  - -

Types of the subject matter

Types of the subject matter 2022 2023
Total 5 5
of which anti-doping-disputes 5 5
of which general sports-related disputes - -

Applications for financial aid (as introduced by 2016 DIS Sport Arbitration Rules) was not utilised in any of the anti-doping proceedings initiated in 2023.

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